Boarder Babies
A shrub is a small to medium-sized woody plant. It is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height. Plants of many species may grow either into shrubs or trees, depending on their growing conditions. Small, low shrubs, generally less than 3 feet include: barberry,euonymous,spreading juniper,boxwood,ilex,mugho pine,azalea,nest spruce,blue star juniper,hydrangea,knockout roses,hinoki cypress,goldthread cypress,and dwarf holly .
Plants that persist for many growing seasons. Generally the top portion of the plant dies back each winter and regrows the following spring from the same root system (e.g. Purple Coneflower). just to name a few: candytuft,coreopsis,rudbeckia,ferns,ornamental grasses,lamium,thyme,heuchera,hosta,dianthus,lilies,nepeta,salvia,ajuga,phlox,lavender,peony,monarda,liriope,shasta daisy,plus many more listed in perennial section.
Plants that perform their entire life cycle from seed to flower to seed within a single growing season. All roots, stems and leaves of the plant die annually. Only the dormant seed bridges the gap between one generation and the next. Please see annual section for our list of both sun and shade lovers.